


Spring Boot Series: Project Internationalization

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In the previous articles, we explored interface development, Thymeleaf templates, common syntax, and template layouts. Before reading this article, you can read the previous ones:

Implementing internationalization in a Spring Boot project is very simple. In order to maintain the continuity of the Spring Boot series, internationalization in the project is discussed in a separate article, with the main content as follows:

  1. Locale Resolver
  2. Creating Internationalization Configuration Files
  3. Creating Configuration Classes
  4. Testing the Effect

Locale Resolver#

Spring provides a locale resolver to identify the user's locale and achieve internationalization of web applications. The locale resolver must implement the LocalResolver interface, or you can implement your own locale resolver.

  • AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver: Default locale resolver, which resolves the locale based on the accept-language parameter of the HTTP request.
  • SessionLocaleResolver: Effective within the current session, otherwise it reverts to the default state.
  • CookieLocaleResolver: Effective within the current cookie validity period, otherwise it reverts to the default state.
  • FixedLocaleResolver: Sets a fixed Locale, which is not convenient for dynamically changing the Locale.
  • Use the LocaleChangeInterceptor interceptor to resolve the user's locale.

Next, we will use the LocaleChangeInterceptor interceptor and SessionLocaleResolver as examples to implement internationalization in a Spring Boot project.

Creating Internationalization Configuration Files#

Spring Boot supports internationalization and is also relatively easy to use. Create a Spring Boot project and create a folder named "i18n" under resources. Then, right-click and select New->Resource Bundle to create a file for each language, as shown below:


Then, in the file, configure the Message path as follows:

# Message path

How to retrieve the values in the file? Like this:

mMessageSource.getMessage("home.title", null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale());

Creating Configuration Classes#

Use the LocaleChangeInterceptor interceptor and SessionLocaleResolver, and set the corresponding Locale as the parameters, as shown below:

 * I18nConfig
public class I18nConfig {

    public LocaleResolver localeResolver (){
        return new SessionLocaleResolver();

    public WebMvcConfigurer webMvcConfigurer(){
        return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
            public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
                LocaleChangeInterceptor changeInterceptor = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();

Sample Code#

I18nController as follows:

public class I18nController {
    @GetMapping(value = "/i18n")
    public String il8n() {
        return "i18n";

The template file is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<title>Spring Boot I18n Sample.</title>

			 * Called after the page is loaded
			onload = function() {
				let href = window.location.toString();
				let suffix = href.substring(href.length - 2, href.length);
				let lang = document.getElementsByClassName("lang");
				console.log("--suffix--" + suffix);
				switch (suffix) {
					case "CN":
						setStatus(lang[0], lang[1], lang[2]);
					case "TW":
						setStatus(lang[1], lang[0], lang[2]);
					case "US":
						setStatus(lang[2], lang[1], lang[0]);
						setStatus(lang[0], lang[1], lang[2]);

			 * Set the status of language tags
			 * @param show Selected language tag
			 * @param def1 Unselected language tag
			 * @param def2 Unselected language tag
			function setStatus(show, def1, def2) { = "rgb(0,0,255)"; = "rgb(0,0,0)"; = "rgb(0,0,0)";
		<h3 th:text="#{home.title}">default</h3>
		<p style="font-size: 12px">
			<a class="lang" href="i18n?lang=zh_CN"> Simplified Chinese </a>|
			<a class="lang" href="i18n?lang=zh_TW"> Traditional Chinese </a>|
			<a class="lang" href="i18n?lang=en_US"> English</a>

Testing the Effect#

The running effect is as follows:


You can add the keyword "加群" in the public account to invite you to join the WeChat exchange group, and reply with the keyword "Spring Boot" to get the corresponding case source code link.

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